Art Feature : Fight Like a Warrior


Around November, my fellow warrior alerted me to submit my artworks to a NGO monthly newsletter "Fight like a warrior".

Its an organisation in US empowering the chronically ill people.

I submitted at the very last minute & didn't think much about it.

But Alhamdulillah, they liked my art works.
So they featured my Artworks in their November issue. Click here.

"If only you could see the pain..."
"Fight like a warrior"

"Fight like a warrior"

These illustrations just lift my spirits everytime I feel low or down fighting my illness.

It can be very lonely and quite exhausting dealing with chronic pain 24/7...

And it can be quite unpredictable...

Sometimes you are well in the morning, and suddenly not well in the evening.

Yeah...'a Day at a time' close friend always remind me🥰

Anyhoo....I am so delighted & grateful that my humble artworks were featured outside of Singapore.

MasyaAllah tabarakallah...hopefully all my efforts will be valued as ibadah to Allah & will benefit to Ummah, dunia akhirat & zahir batin.

Ameen ya Rabb.

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