Pearls of Paradise

People ask me what does LukLuk means.
Its an arabic word from the Quran which means Pearls of paradise.
When I started this journey, the word LukLuk just keep coming to my mind.
At that point I was just switching from ElynaCakes to ElynaDraws.
But I didn't want to hold on to something from the past.

I was still hurting 🤪.
That this disease actually took away my baking passion. 🎂🍰🥧And I was still struggling to see the light out of all these hardships.
But I tried to internalise God's promise, that He won't take something from you and not replace with something better.
And so I chose LukLuk....telling myself everyday..that Allah is giving me something better.
It takes time and space to allow yourself to change and grow.

And I allowed myself to just do that.
To change entirely.
Because God reminded that when something ill befalls you, it's not that God disliked you or it's a punishment. But it is God's way to perfect His blessings towards you. good is our Creator. The Most Exalted is He.

And so I never regretted my art journey. And one by one...Allah showed His blessings in my new journey.
Especially so that I meet many new, wonderful souls.

Subhanallah, I was really wrong and I felt such guilt towards God in doubting His plans for me.

At the end of the day, it is He whom we will return to.

From dust to dust.


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